Books by Amma's Swamis & Swaminis

Talks by Swami Paramatmananda Puri, Vol. 06

Swami Paramatmananda Puri moved to India in 1968, at the age of nineteen. He lived as a renunciate, imbibing the spiritual essence of this great and ancient culture. It was his good fortune to have kept the company of many saints and sages over the years, culminating in his meeting with his Guru, Amma, in 1979. As one of her senior disciples, he was eventually asked to return to the U.S. to serve as head of the first ashram in the West, the Mata Amritanandamayi Center in California, where he remained in residence from 1990 to 2001. Many residents and visitors to the Center while Swamiji was in residence said that his satsangs (spiritual talks) were one of the highlights of the Center's programs. Filled with humor, wit, and sincerity, his satsangs encompass his experiences with Amma, as well as his broad experiences in India, his deep understanding of scriptural texts, and his life dedicated to the spiritual path. Originally available only on cassette, his talks have now been transcribed, with his speaking style preserved as much as possible, making this volume a treasury of wisdom for years to come.

E-Book Available here:

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